
Archive for September, 2010

The Chin Woo was officially founded in 1915 by the students of a wushu shi fu (), a Master and teacher of wushu called Huo Yuan Jia (), ………….Many sources say that Chin Woo was founded by Huo YuanJia (霍元甲).



The only public pool can be found in KL center, that’s Chin Woo’s swimming pool.


Chin Woo’s spirits


WISDOM: Man of Wisdom cannot be misleading
BENEVOLANCE: Man of Benevolence has no worry
COURAGE: Man of Courage has no fear 


Man: To achieve all around ability through moral, intellectual, and physical training

Character: Respect for others and self-respect through justice and integrity

Caring: Humanity and equality through honesty and frankness

Words and Deeds: A person’s dealings are judged by his words and deeds

Trustworthiness: To keep every pledge and promise

Punctuality: To be punctual in appointment with no apology

Justice: To uphold justice impartially

Service: To render service with honor

Welfare: To give and not to take

Fraternity: To love others as you love yourself and your own family


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The Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall雪兰莪中华大会堂(KLSCAH) is located at No: 1, Jalan Maharajalela (Birch Road), 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



Kuala Lumpur’s landmarks have constantly been changed to cater for the growing needs of the city’s folks. The Chinese Assembly Hall is still standing majestically. Despite the fast pace development of the city, KLSCAH has been able to survive the demands of developments.

It has a glorious past, built-in 1910 and completed  about 13 years later. The historical building was the center for cultural and political gatherings of the Chinese community when Kuala Lumpur was still part of Selangor and even until now. This all white building was beautifully lit up at night throughout the year and big red lanterns adorned its doorway. It was indeed a pride of the Chinese community of this nation.

You can see a pair of Chinese guardian lions (石獅) standing firmly at the main entrance. They are believed to have a powerful mystic protective power. Such powerful icons can always be found at the home of the wealthy, temples and associations. The lions are always created in pairs, with the male playing with a ball and the female with a cub. They represented the harmony of yin and yang.



This building used to face a tall and colorfully lighted fountain at a roundabout (now an extinct roundabout called Bulatan Merdeka). It was one of Kuala Lumpur’s most popular sightseeing attractions during the late 60’s and early 70’s (the road was formerly named as Birch Road).

Further down this road was the famous Chinatown, a must go shopping district for tourists both local and foreign alike. Come and feel the splendour of the past in one of the most historical area of Kuala Lumpur.

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Did you know ?  

The Morning Glory family includes Moonflowers that only bloom at night.  



Morning Glory Plants.  

The fragrant flowers unfurl to greet the morning sun, then close up in the afternoon. Colors include white, red, pink, purple, blue, and bicolor. Give your Morning Glory plant something to climb up. They will entwine themselves around obstacles. They are perfect grown on a fence, lamp-post or trellis.  

The Morning-Glory, in the family Convolvulaceae contains at least 50 genera and more than 1000 species. The Morning glory flowers start to fade a 2 hours before the petals start showing visible curling.   



Caring for Morning Glory 

Give a good support system to the upcoming vine. 

Morning glories are favourites of sun, so do not over water them. 

Morning glories are excellent reseeders. So once you plant them, there is no need to replant them. 

To reduce their reseeding capability remove all the dead vines after they are killed by frost.

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